How to avoid excessive exercise?

In fact, for most people, the more exercise, the better, because most people are still far from reaching the level where too much exercise can harm their health.

1. Don’t have too high standards or too much strength:

Some people set their own standards too high, such as adopting the marathon training mode at every turn, the damage to health will be great. One disease is called overtraining syndrome. Some people even suffer from rhabdomyolysis due to excessive exercise intensity, which can cause greater damage to the kidneys. Also, if it is athlete-level training, some people do experience anemia.

2. Rest after high-intensity exercise is very important:

In order to prevent excessive exercise, it is recommended that after high-intensity endurance training, you must pay attention to adequate rest. If you find that your heart rate at rest is relatively high, your heart rate recovery is slow, or you are irritable, you can reduce your exercise time accordingly. You should pay attention to whether you feel excessive fatigue, whether your body can recover quickly, and whether your muscles are very sore. These are all things to consider. If you exercise a lot on this day, you must rest for at least one day before exercising.

Some notes:

1. Normally ensure that the carbohydrate, protein, and fat ratio in the diet is appropriate, and eat enough staple foods, at least one-third of the diet. You can control the intake of empty-calorie foods (foods with low vitamin and mineral content, all calories), and try to eat less high-calorie foods with less vitamins and minerals.

2. Pay attention to your own mental pressure. Some people are under a lot of pressure and even cause problems such as insomnia. It is best not to engage in activities that are too intense and easily lead to fatigue.

3. If you are already suffering from colds and other diseases, it is generally not recommended to take exercise anymore. There is a risk of contracting diseases such as viral myocarditis.

4. Here is also a reminder that some people are in good condition but are prone to symptoms such as runny nose after exercise. This may be related to the exercise environment, such as pollen or cold air stimulation. In this case, it is best to go to the ear, nose and throat department, or go to the allergy department for an allergen check.

In short, maintaining an appropriate amount of exercise every week is a very helpful lifestyle habit (most modern urbanites need to worry about insufficient exercise rather than excessive exercise).

Post time: Nov-12-2020